Recent Change Log

Author: BEUFK
scout and spy

Hi there. Recently, some modfications have been made aimed to improve the surface of the website. (Emphasise on record.html and index.html) In the meantime, some curious babies discovered that a new webpage direction was created on the index.
The link will direct you to Q3dlaxpoaQ, who is our new-come collaborator.

You may wonder: who is the new-to, unrecongnized person? I won't tell you, because further discoveries are always made by the people who are willing to dig farther.
Anyway, with his support, pusing forwards construction of the website is no longer a difficulties.

In addition to a new colleague, the record.html will be undergoing a massive migration. As I just found that separating all the sections into different articles on different pages will be convenient for me to manage them. Before the change is done, the record.html will be closed temporarily. It won't take ages.

Finally, If you have any suggestions regarding this website, please post a Issue on the Github.

A lot of appreciations!

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