
Author: BEUFK
A photograph taken in 2022.
Caption: A photograph taken in 2022.

If you are a member of the TF2China channel, you may have inspected a post written by me. Throughout this letter, I expressed my strong appreciation towards my "colleagues" and "dorm-colleagues". However, in the next few days, everything overturns. So many destructive things, like deliberate ignorance, charged towards me violently and unexpectedly.

Here, I want to explain, what things took place and how they affect me.

To begin with, I wanna talk about the person who "sent me a message regularly". Previously, I regard him as a human beings filled with kindness and forgiveness. Despite some slight conflicts, we still go through it at last. I had used him as my older avatar if you had paid enough attention to my user profile.

However, when some intolerable problems exposed, I've finally recongized that I can't just stand there.

One day when I was attempting to focus my attention on studying, his statement towards C(One of my dorm-colleagues, who will be mentioned later), which were really horrible, could be clearly heard. I can still remember what he said: They're all suck, and I just want to play the Genshin Impact with you.

The above is just an example. In contrast to what he had told me in dorm, I suspect that his friendly attitude towards me is completely fake. His hidden purpose is to attract the C by using the little BEUFK. Unfortunately, I haven't got any direct evidence which can be used to accuse his guilty.
His Bilibili account: Here

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